The Thoroughbred Owners of California hosted their annual Open Forum at the Alameda County Fairgrounds Satellite Wagering Facility on Saturday, June 24, 2017. The event was well-attended with more than 30 owners coming to listen to TOC staff and directors discuss current events and answer questions about the state of the industry. Topics of interest were advance deposit wagering, microchipping, and 3rd party Lasix administration. TOC Directors Allen Aldrich, Ed Moger, and Jack Owens were in attendance in addition to TOC President Greg Avioli and Director of Racing Elizabeth Morey. Representing the northern California racing associations were Larry Swartzlander, Executive Director CARF, Richard Scheidt, Director of Planning CARF, and Joseph Rakoswki, Marketing and Publicity Manager Golden Gate Fields.
TOC Holds Open Forum at Pleasanton